Electricity Power Supply
100 KW Captive Use Hybrid Solar and Wind and 400 M³ Water Treatment Plant/Clean Water Supply for Tanjung Buyut Port of PT PELINDO II in South of Sumatera,Indonesia (Contract Electricity Power Supply) :
“This project has entered into the construction implementation phase at the field in Tanjung Buyut Port of PT Pelindo II in South of Sumatra Province and it is hoped that from the development of electricity supply based on renewable energy (by solar,wind and battery unit) with a combination of clean water supply with environmentally friendly technology, PT Pelindo II can participate to support the Indonesia Government programs in the target of achieving the renewable energy mix in Indonesia and last but not least is the achievement of efficiency and a much more economical approach to their operating costs in their port operations in Tanjung Buyut, South Sumatera”.
Micro Off-Grid Renewable Energy Project’s
Micro Off-Grid Renewable Energy Project’s (Hybrid Solar and Wind Technologies) 7,5 MW in West of Kalimantan – Indonesia 2020 – 2021
“This project has entered into the construction pipeline progress in the 26 of rural villages in Melawi and Sintang Regency in West of Kalimantan.
Land acquisition for the generation plant in 26 of villages and the infrastructures of transmission line almost 75% completed instead for
the construction of the transmission electricity line. The project is to provided electricity for 9,000 people with capacity of each home
from 450 VA to 1,300 VA with contract of electrical supply for 30 years contract under business license area electricity sell to the public (WIUPTL)
and electricity supply business license (IUPTL) of 26 villages.
This 7,5 MW is 1st Stage and beyond there are almost another 500 villages also required for the electrification program”.
PLTBm Biomass Palm Plantation 10 MW in Anggah Jaya,Sintang Regency
PLTBm Biomass Palm Plantation 10 MW in Anggah Jaya,Sintang Regency – IPP,RUPTL PLN 2019-2028 (Kuota);
“This project has entered into the submission proposal to PT PLN and ESDM in this Q3-year 2020 whereas all the proposal document line requirements:
- Feasibility Studies,
- Tehnical Desain (Plant and Transmission Line),
- Land Acquisition,
- Pre_ANDAL,
- Power Plant Feed Analysis,
- Business Case Financial Model (Tarif LCOE),
- Palm Plantation of Raw Material Feed Support (Boiler Feed) – 18,000 Hektare
- Government Recommendation Letter.
Completed already and part of the submission to the PLN and ESDM for getting the approval to bid and participated the 10 MW of PLTBm Kuota in PLN RUPTL Program in West of Kalimantan Region in Sintang Regency.
Micro Off-Grid Renewable Energy Project’s
Micro Off-Grid Renewable Energy Project’s (Hybrid Solar and Wind Technologies) 10 MW in West of Kalimantan – Indonesia 2021 – 2022
“This project has entered into the submission proposal to the Government and the following works has being conduct and manages to support the proposal for getting the approval of the Government of the WIUPTL and IUPTL:
- Feasibility Studies,
- Social hearing communities and program,
- Government and Stake Holder hearing meeting,
- Environmental assessments,
- Technical design and engineering,
- Land Acquisition for the Generation Plant and Build in Transmission Line Infrastructures,
- Other
Expected this Project could be able to start for the construction in Q4-2021”.
Micro Off-Grid Renewable Energy Project’s
Micro Off-Grid Renewable Energy Project’s (Hybrid Solar and Wind Technologies) 30 MW in West of Kalimantan – Indonesia 2022 – 2023:
“This project has entered into the preparation proposal to the Government and the following works has being conduct and manages to support the proposal for getting the approval of the Government of the WIUPTL and IUPTL:
- Feasibility Studies,
- Social hearing communities and program,
- Government and Stake Holder hearing meeting,
- Others
Overall works being expedited to meet the target ground breaking works at the site field could aim
start at Q2-2022”.
Other Project’s Agenda :
- PLTA – Hydro Power Project 100 MW in Kepala Air Junga,Sintang/Melawi Regency,West of Kalimantan Province;
- PLTBm- Biomass Palm Plantation 10 MW in Nanga Pinoh,Melawi Regency – IPP,RUPTL PLN 2019-2028 (Kuota) for 150 KV Grid Kalbar requirement;
- Water Treatment Plant Facility (WTP)/Clean Water Supply Contract for Boom Baru Port of PT Pelindo II in South of Sumatera Province;
- Water Treatment Plant Facility (WTP)/Clean Water Supply Contract for Tanjung Priok Port of PT Pelindo II in Tanjung Priok Jakarta;